• We are not responsible for orders that are lost or stolen in transit. Please be sure to opt in to our shipment insurance program to receive a full refund if your order is lost or stolen in transit.
  • Pre-Sale orders on this site are expected to ship within 2-3 weeks.
  • In stock items typically ship within 5-7 days.
  • You will receive tracking information when your shipping label has been created and your order is getting ready to ship from our warehouse. Please allow 24-48 hours from receiving your shipment notification to reach out regarding tracking information. 
  • Orders with an incorrect address will not ship until the address has been corrected. Please be sure to enter the correct address, if you find that your order has not shipped in the timelines stated above please reach out for further help as it is typically due to an address error.
  • If you are experiencing an issue or delay with your order please check the original order confirmation email for your order number and reply to that email for customer service. If you deleted that email, please provide your order number in your inquiry to help speed up your customer service experience.
International Shipping
  • Duties are not paid for international orders.
  • International orders (orders shipping to outside the United States) typically take longer to fulfill than our 1-2 week shipment time.
  • Some international orders require information such as Phone Number and a Valid email address to ship. If you are ordering from a foreign country outside of the United States, please provide a phone number at checkout.
  • Some international addresses do not automatically verify for shipment. If you find that you have not received and order shipment confirmation after 2 weeks please contact us to assist with getting your order fulfilled.